3 Ways Writers Can Be Unicorns
Unicorns are very popular right now, and all little girls want to have one. Unicorns are beautiful mysterious, and magical. Here are three ways that writers can be unicorns:
- Beautiful — one thing that makes unicorns so beautiful is that they are gentle and kind. If a writer wants to be beautiful, they should be kind. They can do this by helping other writers. Writers need to bond together to vet each other’s work and kindly critique it. Help each other out!
2. Mysterious — the best way for a writer to be mysterious these days is on social media. There is no reason to put it all out on Facebook, Twitter, or other social media sites. Leave a little mystery and spend that time writing!
3. Magical — this is an easy one. Who is more magical than a writer? We create something out of nothing. We create characters and worlds where none were before. Keep writing and being magical!