7 Ways to Get Back to Writing
If you look back far enough you can see your dreams before they warped. Back then they were both innocent and true. You wanted nothing more than to make your mark on the world and leave them with a small piece of you.
You loved to write, pouring your thoughts onto the page, raw and transparent. New worlds sprang forth on a regular basis, inhabited by characters both altruistic and malevolent. The worlds were populated in color with characters the reader both loved and loved to hate.
Over the years the worlds began to fade and the characters were little more than stereotypes, people that are stamped out by cookie cutters, bland and flat.
Now you beat your head, trying to revisit those days and worlds, but there is no turning back.
The only hope is to move forward. Move past the faded worlds and find the vibrant ones.
- Spend time reading and visiting the worlds of other writers. See how well they spin the worlds out of fine threads. We can learn from other writers.
2. Spend time reading craft books. It is good to learn from the lessons of other writers.
3. Watch youtube videos of other writers. Again, this will help you to learn the lessons of other writers.
4. Take a walk. There are two ways this can help. Either you can let your mind wander as you wander along, creating new worlds or characters, or you can pay attention to the world around you. It will help you to bring worlds to life on the page.
5. Write. Take a world or character that has come to you and populate the page, either physical or digital.
6. If you don’t have anything to write, Google a writing prompt and get to work.
7. You don’t have to write a novel out of the gate. You don’t even have to strive for a short story. Even a small sketch is a good start. They will give you something to build on.
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