A Wedding I Didn’t Attend
Mother, in her new powder blue dress,
With her hair sprayed nearly to granite.
Daddy, young and dapper in his suit,
With a smile nearly imperceptible.
The ride to Kentucky
In the powder blue,
Chevy convertible
Giving him a broader smile
And her a scarf on her head
To ward off the wind
That frantically tried
To erode her hairdo.
The arrival is late.
Late enough that they awaken
A pastor and his wife
From their sweet, elderly slumber
And beg them to perform the ceremony
So mother and daddy can slumber
Without defiling the bed
At the cheapest-motel-in-town
With their lack of blessing from God.
The pastor says he cannot
Wed them without one more witness,
And Daddy goes to enlist help
From an unsuspecting man
With a half-burnt face,
Walking home
From the local bar.
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