A Window Visit


Photo by Jacky Zeng on Unsplash

Delaney’s sweet face appeared in the window. Her specs magnified the tears pooling in her eyes. Marilyn wheeled over to the window to see if she could find out what was causing Delaney’s distress.

“I miss you, Nonny! I want one of your big bear hugs, but I’m not allowed inside,” called Delaney.

Marilyn understood her anguish. She longed to smother her granddaughter in hugs, but the nursing home wouldn’t allow visitors. They would have to wait and make do with the window visits for now.

“Soon we will be able to see each other in person, and I will make up for all the hugs and kisses we have missed. You will fuss for me to stop!”

Marilyn wondered at how true that was. She had been sequestered from her family for a little over a year now. She was certain it had been the longest year in her existence.

Two days later she heard the governor say that he would start allowing patio visits in the nursing homes. Marilyn was elated and called to share the news with Delaney.

Marilyn couldn’t wait to be able to go on visits from the home and go to school functions or out on park excursions. They would all be happy when this pandemic dissipated. They had no idea when that would happen, but they would treasure their times together in the meantime.



Paula Dotson Frew
Paula Dotson Frew

Written by Paula Dotson Frew

I love to write and self-published my first book of poetry last year, a book of Haiku this year, and a book of short stories later this year!

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