Blackest Friday

Paula Dotson Frew
2 min readNov 29, 2019


Photo by Charlein Gracia on Unsplash

We often hear horror stories about Black Friday. This tale is about the Blackest Friday. People getting knocked down for presents or finding that the most coveted present is sold out? Nothing compared to the Blackest Friday.

On that Friday every third child was harvested. The spirits had decided that no one should have more than two children. The third child born to any woman was taken. No one knows where the children were taken, just that they were gone, never to be seen again.

People searched the mountains, the plains, and the valleys, but there were no children.

People searched caves, wells, and closets, but there were no children.

The parents were despondent and the police were dumbfounded. Where could so many children be hidden that no one could uncover?

The spirits had been watching and had seen people becoming less and less attentive to their children over the years. They hoped that two children would be the right number for parents to give their love. They decided that if within five years, things hadn’t gotten better, they would leave people with only one child.

They hoped that people still had enough love for fewer children. Perhaps they had just over anticipated the amount of love they had to give. The spirits were hopeful and watching closely. Would mankind be able to redeem itself?

One of the couples to lose their third child was Josh and Miranda Knox. they were distraught when their third and youngest child, Sebastian, was harvested. They searched high and low, becoming sadder with each failure.

“How can we go on without Sebastian?” asked Miranda. “I love all our children. Losing even one is more than I can bear.”

“I would be just as sad if it were Desiree or Lydia,” said Josh. “They are all our children, and we love them all the same. We need to find our Sebastian.”

That very day Josh and Miranda and Desiree and Lydia went in search of Sebastian, first by land and then by sea. They checked every nook and every cranny. They went by sea and checked every island.

When they went to a small island in the Indian Ocean, they found the missing children. No child shall have to grow up without parents to love them, and so, they rescued all the children.

Returning home with all the children, they got on television to tell all the parents of their good fortune. Sadly, some of the parents felt that their lives had improved without the third child, and they didn’t want them returned.

Some parents found that they had even more love than they had known. They decided to take in the children who had been forsaken and to love them with all the love they had.



Paula Dotson Frew
Paula Dotson Frew

Written by Paula Dotson Frew

I love to write and self-published my first book of poetry last year, a book of Haiku this year, and a book of short stories later this year!

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