Five Pieces of Advice for My Younger Self
Having just read an article by Michael Thompson, I began to think about what advice I would pass on to my younger self.
The following are five pieces of advice I wish I could pass on to a young me.
1. Dream Big — It is only through big dreams that we see how far we can stretch and grow. A small dream is nice and more manageable. Reaching those dreams will help to boost your confidence, but it will never give you the satisfaction of realizing a big dream.
2. Love Fiercely — Loving fiercely is the only way to love, even if the love is not returned, you know that you gave it everything you have. I have loved fiercely a couple of times in my life, and it was not reciprocated, but wonderful things have come from it that I would not trade for the world. I know that I gave what I had to the relationship. They just did not have the same to return.
3. Show Kindness — This is another trait that may not be reciprocated. Do it anyway. Just watch out for the people that aren’t easy to show kindness. They need it the most!
4. Listen to Yourself — No one knows you better. I don’t mean the knee jerk reactions we all have. I’m talking about the calm, quiet voice that speaks to your heart. That voice knows. Listen to it!
5. Leave the Past in the Past — The past may have been rough, and it may have left you scarred. The great thing about scars is that they are harder to cut through a second time. Let the wounds heal. They don’t have to determine who you are now.