His Dimple
The challenge: Write about a dimple in 200 words or less.
His dimple was the first thing she fell in love with. She had always had a soft spot for dimples, but this was the first time she’d seen a single one. Meranda had always thought dimples came in pairs.
Jon had one dimple on his left cheek, and he had a sense of humor to show it off.
Meranda fell in love with Jon’s sense of humor second. He made her laugh so much and laughed at her humor as well.
It took about four months before she got to know how kind his heart was. By then Meranda was irrevocably in love. It was a love she couldn’t help but admit. She made the first move to ask him out for a movie.
After a few movies and the follow-up coffee, Jon asked her out on a proper date.
At their wedding reception, Meranda caressed his dimple and told him it was responsible for it all.
They laughed.