My Favorite Word
All the juxtaposition
My favorite word by far is juxtaposition. As anyone who experienced classes with me in college know, it was solidly ensconced as my favorite word at that time.
One of my professors assigned a paper, and amidst the other words, I correctly used the word juxtaposition. My professor didn’t like it and wanted me to change it to the word difference. In the rewrite, I changed it, although I rankled at the thought. When he graded it, he felt I should have used juxtaposition. I was livid!
I made it a point to use my word in every paper from then on. When I wrote a paper for that professor, I put out the extra effort to find quotes using the word juxtaposition. It may have been petty, but he really made me angry.
I love the look of the word, the feel of the word, and the definition of the word. According to, juxtaposition is defined as:
an act or instance of placing close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast.
the state of being close together or side by side.
Now, I write for a local newspaper and don’t get to use the word much, but it still creeps its way into my conversations!