The Shadowy Figures
The night at the club had gone a long way toward relaxing me from what had been a stressful week at work. That Saturday night, I left the club with a smile on my face and a spring in my step as I made my way to the bus stop. I had it in my mind to enjoy the leisurely walk and arrive home tired and ready for a good night’s sleep.
As I walked along, I noticed two shadowy figures about a block behind me. They were following my every turn and causing me to fret.
What could they want from me? What did they want to do to me?
My steps quickened. I went along, searching for a cab, but none were to be found. It was a Friday night, after all. What was I to do?
My steps quickened to a near run, and the shadows quickened theirs to keep pace.
Sweat broke out on my brow even though the night was frigid. I shortly noticed that the figures were running and closing the distance. Frantic, I broke into a run.
Where were all the people? Would there be any people at the bus stop?
Winded, I finally see the bus stop and realize there are no people waiting for the next bus. About that time I feel a hand on my shoulder.
I turned and saw my friends from the club. At last, safety in numbers!
I look behind and realize the shadowy figures are nowhere to be seen. That’s when I notice that my friends are winded as well. My friends had been the shadowy figures all along.
“Why were you following me?” I ask, “You frightened me!”
“You forgot your phone, and we were trying to get it back to you,” came the reply.