The Soldier
he fought in a war
that wasn’t a war,
but felt like a war
and looked like a war
and smelled like a war
and killed like a war.
he fought enemies
that looked like his allies
and talked like his allies
and ate like his allies
and fought for their lives
like his allies.
he came home to a country
that looked like his country
and smelled like his country
and held the people of his country
but didn’t love him like his country.
he dealt with pain in his body
and pain in his head
and pain in his soul
and dreams that had died
and people that had died
and with fear in the daytime
and with terror at night.
he longed for respect
for serving his country,
and he got a monument,
and he got a belated celebration.
and he got more nights of terror
and dreams of the horror
and hope that one day
his war would end.
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